The world is mutating. Some things we took for granted just a few weeks ago will never be the same. For better or worse the world as we knew it is gone. It may take months or years before we can grasp what takes its place. To linger longer in denial that change is happening will mean losing exponentially more to the invisible enemy.
As we find ways to occupy our minds in isolation, or dawns our masks and venture out on our essential errands, there is plenty of time to reflect on which phase of grief we’re passing through. Alone, and as a global society. If nothing else, the coronavirus has shown just how interconnected we are, regardless of distance.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross didn’t dictate a particular order or time-frame for any of the emotions we might feel as we experience loss, nor is there a rule against revisiting emotions as much as needed. Just don’t get lost in them, or give in to despair. Joy will return to life even if it’s absent for the moment. As long as there is life there is hope, as long as there is hope there is life.
This edition of Pandemic is a special one. There is no theme and no set time limit. For as long as we are in a world on pause this issue will be open. We look forward to seeing what you’re inspired to create.
Pandemic is a non-profit magazine driven by contributions from our readers!
We believe that a good idea can come from anywhere and those ideas deserve to be spread. Send your contributions to:
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