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2021 Art Pandemic Tuisku "Snow" Curtis-Kolu

A Single Drop

Art and Text by Tuisku “Snow” Curtis-Kolu

The environmental movement is associated with the colour green – often rightly so. However, water is our life blood. It is the life blood of the food that we eat, the plants that keep us breathing, and the dominant building block of our very own bodies. Water carries the weight of the Earth’s entire living history. A single drop is worthy of praise.

Nature Series 4: A Single Drop (colored pencils on paper – Scotland, 2020)

Artist, Master of Law, Familiar Stranger. Snow believes couches are the beds of the busy and the ground is a welcoming cushion. She sometimes struggles to explain what she’s seeing or thinking, so she creates. Snow has a love for oil painting, but flirts with a wide variety of mediums. 

“I connect through colour – it helps me feel present. I hope it helps you to feel something unexpected.”

2021 Art Pandemic Tuisku "Snow" Curtis-Kolu

Leafy Veins

Art and Text by Tuisku “Snow” Curtis-Kolu

Up close leaves are strange wee things, aren’t they? Their extreme colours, their nutrient carrying veins – every point connected and separated. Nature makes patterns that the strengths of human innovation may never quite master without a fuller appreciation and reflection on the nuances of our world. 

Nature Series 3: Leafy Veins (acrylic paint on paper – Scotland, 2020)

Artist, Master of Law, Familiar Stranger. Snow believes couches are the beds of the busy and the ground is a welcoming cushion. She sometimes struggles to explain what she’s seeing or thinking, so she creates. Snow has a love for oil painting, but flirts with a wide variety of mediums. 

“I connect through colour – it helps me feel present. I hope it helps you to feel something unexpected.”

2020 Art Contributing Creators Pandemic

Colorful Environments

Artwork and Text by Cynthia Dimaria

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a soul-searching time for me and inspired this work. To keep my sanity I paint.

I have had a lot of support from Janice Gough, founder of the Art Foundation of Desert Hot Springs. She has given numerous opportunities to show and display my work. I am thankful for her interest and friendship. She has been there for me in many ways. 

In one of my paintings I show a couple in a colorful environment. The entities are awkward in structure and they are confused on how to communicate with each other. A sort of, where do we start now. 

I want everybody to stay safe and healthy. Wearing a mask is like having a seat belt on. So buckle up.

This too shall pass.

Cynthia Dimaria is a visual artist from the Coachella Valley. Some of her inspirations are Kostabi, Caravaggio, Banksy, Warhol, Bruce Weber, Guy Fribritti Shaw, and Diane Arbus. Her work has shown in New York, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Atlanta, and New Orleans. Below are some videos of the different mediums she uses. 

Art FILTERED RECOLLECTIONS - October 2018 Tuisku "Snow" Curtis-Kolu

A Portrait From Memory

Art by Tuisku “Snow” Kolu

Sketching portraits can sometimes feel like an intimate act. You become familiar with the curves, wrinkles, and freckles on the face of a stranger, a passerby. For a moment, you know their face better than your own. You see the story of their life, their memories etched into their skin – from laugh lines around their eyes to the years of stress carved into their forehead.

To them, they’ve simply passed an oddly ogling stranger. To you, a face with a fascinating story immediately begins to be warped by your memory.

Get sketching materials before it fades. Before your attempted replica becomes a false representation of what gave you such a heavy feeling of life.