Art and Text by Marten Bart Stork
Human era. Human error. Human terror. Your mentor. You made more. And more. And more. End more. End less. Begin. Beginning. Begging. Beg for more. Back for more. And more. And more. Or less? More or less. Moralless. Immoral. Immortal. I’m more tall. Than you all. That makes me the king. Thank you all. For coming. Forthcoming. Come again. And again. And again. And a game. End this game. Computer game. Computer gain. Gain access. Assess. Assess the situation. The simulation. The stimulation. The transformation. The implication. Thin application. Expensive cream. Elaborate dream. Laboratory sceam. Mandatory scream. Screaming. Greeting. Greet things. Hi. Great things. Great things will happen. Just keep clapping. And smiling. And waving. At the machine. At the new thing. Trust the experts. Trust the technology. To benefit our society. Our democracy. Our destiny. Whatever that may be.
Contributing Creators Poetry TRANSFORMATIVE TECHNOCRATS - December 2018
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